I decided to prepare this flavoured pasta to use some leftovers of roasted pumpkin I had in the fridge. I made a puree with the roasted pumpkin and added a pinch of finely chopped sage. The pumpkin was really sweet with some smoky notes. The sage really enhaces the flavour of the pumpkin in a way that you won't need to overthink the sauce to go with it. Brown butter and a pinch of black pepper. Pour a glass of white wine and you are good to go!
How much time do you need?
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes aprox.
Total time: 40 minutes
Tools / material:
Pasta rolling pin or pasta maker
Bench scraper
Pasta cuter or a sharp knife
Kitchen scale
Ingredients: 4 serves
200 gr all-purpose flour or '00'
50 gr semolina flour
2 eggs
1 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup roasted pumpkin puree
2 tsp finely chopped sage
Pinch of salt
Pinch of nutmeg
More flour for dusting
50 gr butter
Fresh leaves of sage
Sift both flours on work surface. Scoop a well in the centre and pour in slightly beaten eggs and pumpkin pure with chopped sage.
Add a pinch of salt and nutmeg and start mix all ingredients using a fork or a dough scraper until a crumbly dough forms. Adjust the flour as you go, wet ingredients may require an extra pinch of flour.
Continue to knead the dough with your hands until the dough is smooth, elastic and no longer sticky. Add a pinch of flour if you knead, it should not be sticky. Wrap the dough in a plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes.
Rolling the dough and cut the tagliatelle:
Cut off a piece of the dough and slightly flatten it with your fingers.
Sprinkle the pasta ball lightly with flour.
If you are using a rolling pin, stretch the dough until it's 1mm thick.
Of using a pasta machine, set machine on the widest setting (0) and pass the dough for the first time.
Fold the dough in half and pass again on the same setting. Adjust to the next-narrower setting, until you reach thickness of approx. 1 mm or position 6-7 on KitchenAid.
Change the accessory for the tagliatelle cutter and process the pasta sheets to make the tagliatelle.
No pasta maker? Roll the dough into a log and cut with a sharp knife.
10min in salted boiling water (10gr salt per litre).
Melt the butter, add the tagliatelle. Cook for 1 minute, add fresh sage. Serve and sprinkle some shredded parmesan. Enjoy!
5 days as dried pasta in a airtight container, 3 days as fresh pasta in the fridge, 3 months in the freezer (fresh or dried)